Coming up – Fall 2024

We’ll be calling and playing the Tamworth dance on Saturday, September 14, playing for the Canterbury dance on Sunday September 15, and calling and playing another dance at the Freeport Harraseeket Grange, Freeport, Maine, Sunday September 22 at 3pm. These dances are all beginner friendly, all dances are taught, no experience or partner necessary, so do come, even – or especially – if you’ve never danced before.

We’ll be teaching at Fiddle Hell in MA, November 7-10 – Early Bird registration is open, so now is the time to sign up! This one’s in person, so we look forward to making music with you there.

The recording project of our original tunes is coming along. We’ve been in our studio a couple of days most every week this summer, listening to and mixing our tracks. See the post below for some pre-release mp3s of our original Klezmer tunes.

We made a prerecorded concert for Last Night Wolfeboro online, 2020.


String Equinox Original Tunes Recording in Process!

Here we are in the studio, making some preliminary mixes of 2 of our tunes for you to listen to. These are live takes from our forthcoming album of Klezmer compositions.

Brighton Beach Waltz, by Shana Aisenberg: (Shana: mandolin; Beverly: piano)

Goodwin Mazel Tov, by Beverly Woods (Shana: violin; Beverly: piano)


Beverly and Shana
Beverly and Shana

Welcome, we’re String Equinox! We have been playing a wide array of music together for over 20 years. We call and play New England barn dances, square dances, and contradances. We enjoy playing many types of music from Celtic to Klezmer.  We sing songs we like, old and new, and some of our own.

We perform in all types of venues, give workshops, teach music, coach bands, and were co-founders of the Cape Cod Mandolin Camp. If you’d like music and/or a dance for a party, wedding, or event of any kind (doesn’t everything go better with music?) please give us a call at 603-941-4947.

If there is something you are looking for that you don’t see here, you may find it at or

Band Craft Workshops, November 2023-January 2024

Hello musical friends,

This workshop is for anyone who plays traditional dance music – jigs, reels, waltzes, polkas – who wants to learn more about how to successfully play this music with other musicians.

Our first session is this coming Friday, November 10, from 6:30-8pm in the Tamworth Town House. There will be 2 more sessions on the 2nd Fridays of December 2023 and January 2024.

Bandcraft will be taught by Shana Aisenberg and Beverly Woods, who play together as String Equinox. We’ve each been playing this music for decades, and we’ve played it together for the last 27 years. We hope to help you successfully join the wonderful world of New England traditional dance music.

First session: Want to join a jam but not sure if you are ready? Want to know what to do if you want to sit in with a band, or join a band? Some of the subjects we will cover:

*Jam etiquette

*Band etiquette

*How to collaborate effectively with other musicians, and how this varies with what instrument you are playing.

Future sessions: Session 2: Rhythm: How to Build Groove Together, December 8.
Session 3: Arranging and Harmony, January 12.

This program is generously supported by the Tamworth Foundation and the Tamworth Outing Club. We are grateful for their support, which enables us to offer this series of workshops free of charge. Hope you’ll join us!